Hand the Ball

We are Hand the Ball

We are Hand the Ball

Below, you will find different contact information for those of us who work with Hand the Ball in one way or another, both at the Swedish Handball Federation and to the various ambassadors in our districts. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or considerations!

Jennie Linnéll

Jennie leads the Hand the Ball concept within the Swedish Handball Federation and supports the districts. If you have questions regarding start-up activities, please refer to the contact information below for your district. For other inquiries about Hand the Ball, email Jennie.

Contact Jennie

Anna Wåhlin

Contact Anna

Ingemar Linnéll

Ingemar leads social initiatives related to two handball championships in Sweden in 2023. Various physical activities are carried out in all host cities for one to two years, with Hand the Ball as a common factor. For project-related inquiries, email Ingemar.

Contact Ingemar

Apply for project funding

If you have any questions regarding starting up a project and applying for current project funding, please contact Tony Carlsson at the Swedish Handball Federation.


The Swedish Handball Federation’s five districts have all appointed ambassadors who are well versed in Hand the Ball and can support your club in launching initiatives. This group is also actively working on the development of Hand the Ball Sweden as a whole.

Association Norr

Elenor Larsson
Entire district

Gabriella Persson

Association Mitt

Ramon Laurén
Entire district

Gabriella Persson

Association Öst

Anders Mattsson
Entire district

Association Väst

Malin Svensson
Entire district

Louise Idebäck
Hela distriktet

Association Syd

Camilla Rohlén
Entire district

Emma Adébo
Entire district



Latest news from our organization in the form of articles, podcasts, and various initiatives within schools and clubs. Most links lead to articles in Swedish.

Hand the Ball x LEGO Festival of Play

Nu står det klart att Svenska Handbollförbundets rörelsekoncept Hand the Ball blir en del av LEGO® Festival of Play. Festivalen är en upplevelse för hela familjen,…

Följ Hand the Ball initiativ under VM2023

Detta projekt sträcker sig över alla 6 värdstäder och genomförs i samarbete med lokala organisationer. För första gången kommer man arbeta sammanhållande genom SHF,…

Host city Malmö creating long-term benefits for community

The city of Malmö is working within the framework of the UN’s Agenda 2030 global goals to create a sustainable world championship that provides long-term effects.…

Malmö stads satsningar under Handbolls-VM 2023

Läs om vad Malmö stad gör i samband med herrarnas Handbolls-VM 2023, där Hand the Ball är en av flera satsningar för att få barn i aktivitet, ökad social…

Hand the Ball gästar Idrottens Kraft podden inför VM 2023

Ingemar Linnéll från Hand the Ball gästar fjärde avsnittet (Social hållbarhet i VM-värdstaden Malmö) av podden om hållbarhet i Handbolls-VM 2023 och pratar om ökad…

Hallby Handboll satsar på Hand the Ball-projekt

För tre år sedan började RFSISU Småland tillsammans med Hallby handboll diskutera hur de skulle nå barn och unga i stadsdelar där handboll som sport inte är…

Hand the Ball medverkar på handbollsfestival i Örebro

Inslag från Sveriges Radio P4 Örebro. ÖSK anordnar handbollsfestival i idrottshuset i Örebro för att personer med funktionsnedsättning och barn från Örebros…

Foto: Lars Pehrson

Hand the ball, ett populärt inslag

Genom projektet Hand the ball har elever på skolan fått testa på handboll. Detta när Prolympia Virserum fick besök av Anton Söderström, som är ambassadör för…

Foto: Lars Pehrson

Ökad rörelseglädje

Hand the Ball startades 2017 i syfte att agera plattform för positiv fritid och uppmuntra barn och ungdomar till fysisk aktivitet och samarbete för att förebygga…

Foto: Lars Pehrson

Engagera er förening

Hand the Ball Sverige engagerar sig för att öka rörelse och lek hos barn och ungdomar runt om i landet. Med den gröna bollen i centrum ligger fokus på inkludering…

Downloadable material

Downloadable material

At Hand the Ball, we are continuously developing materials that can be downloaded and used in operations. The materials found here are open to everyone, especially those who want to initiate new initiatives. Through training, participants can access additional spin-off materials directly related to movement and leadership.

Infographic on Hand the Ball

Infographics can be read and shared to increase understanding of what Hand the Ball Sweden is and how our concept works in its entirety.

Download infographic

Trygghetsresan 'Safety Journey'


In collaboration with Hjulsta Elementary School and HejEngagemang, we have developed a new values and movement project. The purpose is to intertwine movement and values work to increase security in the school.

The past four academic years have seen Hand the Ball and Hjulsta Primary School collaborate on safety-promoting activities for the school’s extracurricular activities through physical activity. During HT19, the idea of expanding the collaboration from extracurricular activities into the classrooms during lesson time arose. Hjulsta Primary School has the goal of increasing the safety in the school. A process was initiated in the school and the school’s Safety Team compiled need areas such as emotions, empathy and the equal value of all. The focus was on increasing the students’ understanding of their own and others’ emotions and creating understanding and acceptance of our similarities and our differences.

Based on this, an idea of a value-based/security material was formed with themes that meet the needs of the school and also fit in with Hand the Ball’s values. In connection with this, HejEngagemang was invited to develop, design, and package the concept, which eventually became Trygghetsresan.

Promoting Cooperation for Safety and Security

The Security Journey is a method material primarily aimed at participants in grades F-9, adaptable to the needs and conditions of the group. The material consists of a work sheet, exercise cards and guidance material. The imagery uses the symbolism of a train travelling through a landscape on rails. The symbolic value of the chosen imagery has many roots. On the one hand, the train journey symbolizes a development that we decide to take together. Furthermore, there is the idea that the train runs on a track. Security is about helping each other not to “go off track” but instead to work together to make life steady and predictable. During the school year, the train will stop along the way at various stations where different exercises are performed.

Everything was good, but the practical aspect was fantastic. As a physical education teacher, I’ve noticed that many students feel left out during certain exercises. The tips on how to individualize, how to introduce competition in a different way were excellent. I also appreciate the idea of how to structure an effective session.

Sofia Sköldestam, kurator Hjulsta Primary School

Hjulsta School is now serving as the pilot school for the ‘Safety Journey’ program, which will run throughout the entire academic year. The long-term objective is to develop the Safety Journey into a product that multiple schools can incorporate into their safety and physical activity initiatives.

Part of the work to continually develop Stockholm as an event city is to welcome organizers who are seriously committed to sustainable and social projects in conjunction with large sporting events. The 2020 Men’s European Handball Championship and the Hand the Ball project are shining examples of successful collaborations which resulted in increased physical activity among young people in the outer suburbs. It is very gratifying to see the project’s ambitions now live on in new partnerships.

Marina Högland, Head of Administration of the Sports Administration of the City of Stockholm.

Together, we make a difference! Would you like to learn more about the Safety Journey? Contact Hand The Ball, and we will be happy to provide more information!

Hand the Ball Challenge

Hand the Ball Challenge

The Hand the Ball Challenge is an activity initiative created by the Swedish Handball Federation to encourage your school to engage in movement and activity both indoors in the classroom and outdoors in the schoolyard.

The Hand the Ball Challenge is delivered in a green box, full of challenges that can be completed with our soft, green street handball, both independently and with a leader. The idea is that the box can be hung on a hook in the classroom and thus always be available to the students. Our philosophy is that it should be easy to get active!

The challenges have been designed to create movement combined with collaboration, communication and understanding between children. In our regular Hand the Ball activities, we impart pedagogy that promotes movement in children, and autonomy is an important focus in order to increase their motivation for activity. As a result of this, many of the cards are written based on options and creativity to increase the children’s sense of self-determination.

Our core values permeate all exercises and materials we create, which is why we have printed them on the ball to always have them close at hand: togetherness, fairness, joy and respect.


A Hand the Ball Challenge box including content cost 400 SEK/box. If your are only interested in buying a box but already have the green Goalcha ball, the cost is 200 SEK/item. Shipping is not included in the price.

Let us work together to get more children and young people moving!

Hand the Ball Challenge

After completion of the Hand the Ball training, or upon ordering our Hand the Ball Challenge boxes, one has the opportunity to order additional balls with the core values from us. Ten kronor per ordered ball will be donated to initiatives in Africa.

Ball: 198 SEK/item
Carrying bag: 150 SEK/item

This includes:

  • 1 hanging box on a hook
  • 1 green streetball with core values
  • 1 Instruction Guide
  • 20 Outdoor Movement Cards with activities
  • 30 Indoor Movement Cards with activities


The green Goalcha ball

The green Goalcha ball

Our entire operations are based on our green soft street handball, which with its unique design invites to play and movement. It should also be seen as a symbol for positive sportsmanship, and the core values are printed on it to enable leaders to easily communicate these to children and teenagers.

This ball offers quality comparable to the average ball, and its design allows for easy grip and handling. It is unlikely to escape a child’s grasp, and it is especially gentle to the touch. It is suitable for all age groups and various types of activities, both indoors and outdoors, due to its sturdy material composition. In partnership with Hand the Ball Foundation, we strive to promote a positive lifestyle through our signature green ball and our team of instructors.

Place an order for the Goalcha ball

After completing the Hand the Ball education, or ordering our Challenge boxes, you have the opportunity to order additional balls with the values from us. Ten SEK per ordered ball will be donated to initiatives in Africa.

Ball: 198 SEK/item
Carrying bag: 150 SEK/item


World Cup 2023

World Cup 2023

In Spring 2022, the Swedish Handball Federation, through Hand the Ball, will initiate the first joint initiative in preparation for two upcoming championships in Sweden during 2023.

2023 promises to be an incredible year for Swedish handball with the men’s championship taking place in January, with finals held at the Tele2 arena in Stockholm, and the women’s championship in December with group stage matches in Gothenburg. This project will span all six host cities and will be carried out in collaboration with local organizations. For the first time ever, SHF, SDF and clubs in the host cities will work together to implement social projects focused on providing activity and movement opportunities for children and young people.

The focus will be on implementing the concept in schools through education and having a strong connection with selected associations in the area. Additionally, “Lilla VM” (Little World Cup) and event activities in various contexts will be organized in all cities to provide trial activities in other schools. Through these three different types of movement initiatives, we hope to give many children a great experience with the green ball, either through trying it out or through continuous movement in selected areas.

The cities represented are: Gothenburg, Malmö, Kristianstad, Stockholm, Jönköping and Helsingborg. For more information, please contact: ingemar.linnell@gmail.com


Hand the Ball is encouraging youth to become more active throughout the nation.

[10 januari]
Since 2020, the Swedish Handball Federation has implemented the pedagogical movement concept "Hand the Ball" in their regular operations and offers it as a support and aid to clubs that wish to launch social projects. In a number of articles, you will get to take part in the exciting journey and development that "Hand the Ball" has made in recent years.

Read more (in Swedish)

Hand the Ball in the host cities during the 2023 World Cup.

[15 januari]
Throughout the country, the Men's Handball World Championship is currently being played and Hand the Ball is on the journey in the host cities. The work with social initiatives linked to both championships in 2023 was launched a year ago and Hand the Ball is a common factor for all host cities..

Read more (in Swedish)

The exciting Hand the Ball event in Gothenburg is attracting many people to get moving.

[17 januari]
Since Spring 2022, Handball Federation Väst has had the opportunity to work with various types of Hand the Ball events in Gothenburg to raise awareness of handball as a sport and the upcoming championships.

Read more (in Swedish)

IFK Kristianstad is investing in Hand the Ball in collaboration with schools.

[20 januari]
In Kristianstad, the association IFK Kristianstad has, through the VM 2023 initiative, been granted the opportunity to reinforce their ongoing work with Hand the Ball and movement activities for children and young people.

Read more (in Swedish)

Propaganda for Handball in Malmö with 1400 participating children

[24 januari]
Last week, the grand event "Little World Cup Days" was held in Malmö in order to give children and young people from the municipality's schools the chance to try out handball, Hand the Ball and various other movement activities in an exciting way.

Read more (in Swedish)

The children in Jönköping are meeting their handball idol on the school playground.

[21 februari]
Hallby Handboll initiated their work with Hand the Ball 2021 by having their swift left-winger Hampus Dahlgren attend the Swedish Handball Federation's instructor course.

Read more (in Swedish)

What others wrote about Hand the Ball during World Cup 2023

Host city Malmö creating long-term benefits for community

The city of Malmö is working within the framework of the UN’s Agenda 2030 global goals to create a sustainable world championship that provides long-term effects.…

Malmö stads satsningar under Handbolls-VM 2023

Läs om vad Malmö stad gör i samband med herrarnas Handbolls-VM 2023, där Hand the Ball är en av flera satsningar för att få barn i aktivitet, ökad social…

Hand the Ball gästar Idrottens Kraft podden inför VM 2023

Ingemar Linnéll från Hand the Ball gästar fjärde avsnittet (Social hållbarhet i VM-värdstaden Malmö) av podden om hållbarhet i Handbolls-VM 2023 och pratar om ökad…

Hallby Handboll satsar på Hand the Ball-projekt

För tre år sedan började RFSISU Småland tillsammans med Hallby handboll diskutera hur de skulle nå barn och unga i stadsdelar där handboll som sport inte är…



Hand the Ball collaborates with various organizations whose shared goal is to promote physical activity among children and youth. The concept is used across the country, adapted to the conditions of each organization. Below, you can read about two strong collaborations that have shaped Hand the Ball Sweden.

Hand The Ball Kenya

Hand the Ball Danmark and Kenya

Hand the Ball Sverige was founded on the idea of the Hand the Ball Foundation, which was active with the green ball in Kenya and Tanzania. Through a beneficial collaboration, we have been able to develop our existing concept and we are proud of this. For both of us, Hand the Ball means more than just handball and we have been able to work outside of the box and be creative with the name. For each ball we have in the project, 10 SEK are donated to their operations to be able to send balls, handball materials and training to these areas.


Across the country, RFSISU consultants are assisting and supporting our associations in their work in schools or in developing their own association. In certain areas, the organization has taken a great responsibility and together we have been able to create favourable conditions for many different stakeholders.

Björn Lans



Throughout Sweden, our clubs in the Swedish Handball Federation have launched various initiatives and social projects since Spring 2020. Below, we have written about some examples of different Hand the Ball projects.

The purpose of these projects varies, but all operations are trained in our pedagogy and use our green streethandball.


Hand the Ball Sweden was developed through a longer-term social project in socio-economically disadvantaged areas, focusing on the development of pedagogical guidelines for leaders. This initiative was funded by the Handball European Championship 2020 being held in Sweden, with the concluding final weekend taking place in Stockholm at the Tele2 Arena. Hand the Ball worked in partnership with the City of Stockholm, Handball National Team AB, and the Stockholm Handball Federation to create more movement and activity in six primary schools in Stockholm. Here, all involved collaborated to not only create a unique and exciting event, but also a lasting and sustainable activity for children and young people in the Stockholm area.

Borlänge HK

This concept is being utilised by the club in the Handboll för hjärta och gemenskap project (in which Örebro Handboll and RP IF are involved). This project is delivering activities in the socio-economically disadvantaged district of Tjärna Ängar. Young leaders have been trained through the local NIU gymnasium, and they have been supported by a highly motivated project leader who is responsible for all school visits. Visits are being made around the city for sports lessons, lunchtimes and leisure activities.

Hultsfred HK

Hultsfred HK has been working extensively in schools through activities during breaks and physical education classes for all students from preschool up to sixth grade. “Around 20-30 new girls started playing handball in the club after this initiative was launched, which is a huge boost for us considering that we haven’t had any girls team in several years”.

HK Eskil

This organisation launched the ‘Hand the Ball’ initiative during the summer of 2020, providing handball activities for children who had not previously participated in the sport. After 1.5 years, two handball teams have been established, consisting of players who would not have been reached without this initiative.

SHE & Handbollsligan

Many clubs in our highest league have been educated in this concept and have implemented it into their social projects. For example, elite players from Hallby Handball, Lugi HF and Skara HK have been visiting local schools. It is an amazing opportunity for young girls and boys to be able to play with their idols!

Hand the Ball

Find us here

Find us here

Handball is available throughout Sweden through trained associations and schools. We are also active in the five SHF district federations, from south to north. Below we have listed all active activities in each district area. If you are interested in starting initiatives or working with cooperation, please contact the respective district.

Hand The Ball distrikt

Affiliated Associations

Gimonäs Umeå Idrottsförening
Sävar Idrottsklubb
Boden BK
Boden Handboll
Hornskroken IF

Affiliated Schools

Affiliated Associations

Hällbo IF
Forsbacka IK
Alfta GIF Handboll
Göksten BK
Alfta GIF Handboll
Handbollsklubben Eskil
Barkens HK
Falu HK
Borlänge HK
Örebro SK Herr
Lindeskolans Idrottsförening
Örebro SK Ungdom
Eskilstuna GUIF
IFK Strängnäs

Affiliated Schools

Affiliated Associations

Sollentuna HK
Gustavsbergs IF HF
Skå IK
Ösmo GIF
Djurgårdshof IK HK
Ekerö AIK
Sannadal SK
Stockholmspolisens IF HF
Uppsala HK
Södertälje HK
GT Söder HK
Årsta AIK HK
Skå Idrottsklubb o Bygdegård
Åkersberga HK
Kista SportsClub KFUM
Täby HK
Vallentuna HK
Spånga HK
Tyresö HF
Bålsta IF
Lidingö SK

Affiliated Schools

Affiliated Associations

HK Aranäs
KFUM Trollhättan
Önnered HK
HK Bollebygd
Torslanda HK
Vårgårda IK
IF Hallby HK
IFK Bankeryd
Skövde Handbollsflickor
Alingsås HK
Skara HF
HK country
HK Varberg

Affiliated Schools

Affiliated Associations

Föreningen Karlskrona Handboll
HK Malmö
IFK Ystad
Ljunghusens HK
Lödde Vikings HK
Hultsfred HF
IFK Malmö HF
Mönsterås HK
Lugi HF
Vinslöv HK
HK Hearts
IFK Kristianstad
KFUM IA Lundagård
Staffanstorp HK
Karlshamns Handbollförening
KFUM Kalmar Handbollsklubb
Halmstad Handboll

Affiliated Schools