Hand the Ball collaborates with various organizations whose shared goal is to promote physical activity among children and youth. The concept is used across the country, adapted to the conditions of each organization. Below, you can read about two strong collaborations that have shaped Hand the Ball Sweden.

Hand the Ball Danmark and Kenya
Hand the Ball Sverige was founded on the idea of the Hand the Ball Foundation, which was active with the green ball in Kenya and Tanzania. Through a beneficial collaboration, we have been able to develop our existing concept and we are proud of this. For both of us, Hand the Ball means more than just handball and we have been able to work outside of the box and be creative with the name. For each ball we have in the project, 10 SEK are donated to their operations to be able to send balls, handball materials and training to these areas.
Across the country, RF–SISU consultants are assisting and supporting our associations in their work in schools or in developing their own association. In certain areas, the organization has taken a great responsibility and together we have been able to create favourable conditions for many different stakeholders.