In collaboration with Hjulsta Elementary School and HejEngagemang, we have developed a new values and movement project. The purpose is to intertwine movement and values work to increase security in the school.
The past four academic years have seen Hand the Ball and Hjulsta Primary School collaborate on safety-promoting activities for the school’s extracurricular activities through physical activity. During HT19, the idea of expanding the collaboration from extracurricular activities into the classrooms during lesson time arose. Hjulsta Primary School has the goal of increasing the safety in the school. A process was initiated in the school and the school’s Safety Team compiled need areas such as emotions, empathy and the equal value of all. The focus was on increasing the students’ understanding of their own and others’ emotions and creating understanding and acceptance of our similarities and our differences.
Based on this, an idea of a value-based/security material was formed with themes that meet the needs of the school and also fit in with Hand the Ball’s values. In connection with this, HejEngagemang was invited to develop, design, and package the concept, which eventually became Trygghetsresan.
Promoting Cooperation for Safety and Security
The Security Journey is a method material primarily aimed at participants in grades F-9, adaptable to the needs and conditions of the group. The material consists of a work sheet, exercise cards and guidance material. The imagery uses the symbolism of a train travelling through a landscape on rails. The symbolic value of the chosen imagery has many roots. On the one hand, the train journey symbolizes a development that we decide to take together. Furthermore, there is the idea that the train runs on a track. Security is about helping each other not to “go off track” but instead to work together to make life steady and predictable. During the school year, the train will stop along the way at various stations where different exercises are performed.
Everything was good, but the practical aspect was fantastic. As a physical education teacher, I’ve noticed that many students feel left out during certain exercises. The tips on how to individualize, how to introduce competition in a different way were excellent. I also appreciate the idea of how to structure an effective session.
— Sofia Sköldestam, kurator Hjulsta Primary School
Hjulsta School is now serving as the pilot school for the ‘Safety Journey’ program, which will run throughout the entire academic year. The long-term objective is to develop the Safety Journey into a product that multiple schools can incorporate into their safety and physical activity initiatives.
Part of the work to continually develop Stockholm as an event city is to welcome organizers who are seriously committed to sustainable and social projects in conjunction with large sporting events. The 2020 Men’s European Handball Championship and the Hand the Ball project are shining examples of successful collaborations which resulted in increased physical activity among young people in the outer suburbs. It is very gratifying to see the project’s ambitions now live on in new partnerships.
— Marina Högland, Head of Administration of the Sports Administration of the City of Stockholm.
Together, we make a difference! Would you like to learn more about the Safety Journey? Contact Hand The Ball, and we will be happy to provide more information!